Knowledge: The Lost Element of Hip Hop
And so I continue my lifelong quest for Hip Hop enlightenment. There’s too much shit floating around the web, even more so than when I started blogging about hip hop back in 2006. Facebook and Twitter connect us to artists but no one’s really finding the quality stuff and filtering it for those who care. My goal for this blog is to continue sharing information about Hip Hop culture to raise awareness, appreciation, support and participation for the practitioners to keep doing their thing in a positive way that benefits others. I focus a lot more on the dance side of Hip Hop since that’s where my passion lies, after…
New Ace Kids Hip Hop Courses with Kid Taz (Starts 29 April 2012)
Ace Dance Studios is privileged to be hosting an exclusive Kids Hip Hop Course with Kid Taz. Term Dates: Term 2: 29 April 2012 Term 3: 22 July 2012 Term 4: 14 Oct 2012 Time: Juniors (5-10y/o) 11am Seniors (11-15y/o) 11.45am Prices: 5 weeks – $65 10 weeks – $120 5% discount off total fees for families with more than 1 student enrolled in the same term Enrolment: Enrolments close 7 days prior to term Maximum 30 students per course Email info@acedance.com.au to enrol No refunds for missed classes More about Kid Taz and the Kids Hip Hop Course: With a host of incredible achievements under his belt at such a young…