Hip Hop Dance

Fuck It, Just Do It – Why I’m Back to Blogging

I have an on and off love affair with blogging. It started in 2006 when I wanted to start documenting my fascination with dancing and love of hip hop and then I’d share way too much about what was going on in my personal blog. These blogs were super successful and eventually led to a string of corporate jobs, including the one I’ve been in for the past 6 years.

Then priorities shifted to running my dance studio, focusing on my job and my relationship at the time. I wanted to write and kept procrastinating, until last night, I thought, “fuck it, just do it.” I say that a lot and as proof, have been captured on camera during one of my more classier moments (thanks to uloveluke.com).

Australian Hiphop blogger Katrina says fuck it

Shit seemed too overwhelming, thanks to my habits in my day job, I was over-thinking things; concerned about the decline in hip hop related search trends, in finding the optimal keywords to use, the layout and design of the blog, and all that other BS that digital marketers think about.

Then I decided to just open a blank document and start writing. Say all the shit that comes to mind and not look back.

I think of all the people who tell me how my blog introduced them to the local hip hop scene in Sydney, some of who have become so infatuated with the culture that they’ve changed their lives, and contributed to society by creating opportunities for others who are passionate about the same things. Crazy to think I’ve had that effect with my words. Stupid to have been inconsistent with it.

I’m sure that Facebook is a massive part of why I hadn’t felt the need to chronicle my thoughts in a blog for a while now – what a mistake that has been. Now I want to blog about everything: about my food fixations, my thoughts on digital and social media marketing, and a motivational blog about being healthy, wealthy and wise but in a real and not so fluffy-douchey way (as I would describe some of those self-development blogs I’ve seen). As of writing this, none of those blogs are up and running yet but I’ll pre-emptively link them up anyway.

I don’t know who’ll read this; I can’t really imagine people being interested in my shit talking. I’m just doing this for my creative soul and the need to share my ongoing journey in my thirst for Hip Hop knowledge.

So if you are reading this, then thanks for joining me on this adventure and drop me a note sometime to let me know I’m not alone



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